#47 Teens, Snap Chat and Teaching Boundaries with Dr. Holly Richmond

October 4, 2019 [email protected]

Episode #047 Teens, Snap Chat and Teaching Boundaries with Dr. Holly Richmond

What do I do about Snap Chat and the possibility of my teen sending nudes? If masturbation is against my beliefs how do I bring it up with my teen while following my values? How do I get my teen to respect boundaries?


Dr Holly Richmond is on the show with me again, this time to address boundaries with teens.We are talking implicit and explicit communication in the family, how that affects teen behavior, why the “lockdown” parenting style is problematic and ways to teach your teen boundaries.

This is such an important topic because of the amount of teens who have access to electronic devices now days and how demanding action from a teen can be as easy as telling a baby to stop crying. Dr Holly Richmond and I explore the conversations to be having with your children right now to prep them to become teens who know boundaries, set their own boundaries and respect boundaries. We also explore methods to approach masturbation and values and helpful conversation starters when approaching teens about sexual health.

If you find this episode supportive I encourage to think of someone who could use this episode and share it with them. We’re all growing together in these discussions and you sharing this may be the support they need to start these important conversations with their teens.

If you have any questions please feel free to leave a voicemail or text at 385-449-1818 or email me at [email protected]

A listener asked if I give presentations. Yes, I do! I present to religious groups, couples, and parents about masturbation and values, addressing out of control sexual behavior, how to address kids looking at porn, and building intimacy during infertility. Check out my presentation page at birdsandbeespodcast.com I love questions from listeners, keep them coming in!

Thank you again for listening. I appreciate you being a part of the hive.


If you have any questions please feel free to leave a voicemail or text at 385-449-1818 or email me at [email protected]


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