Episode #046 Maintaining Sexual Connection as Parents with Dr. Holly Richmond
Does it feel like sexual connection has taken a backseat to parenting?
Are you just waiting for your kids to get older for better sexual experiences?
Do you ask yourself, “what is appropriate to tell my kids when when they wonder what we do in our room?”
Dr Holly Richmond is a somatic (body-focused) psychologist, Certified Sex Therapist and licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT). Dr Richmond has been featured in Vogue, New Your Times, Netflix, NBC News Forbes and many other media outlets helping relationships across the world. She is also a mother of two young children and is putting this topic to work for herself. In this episode we are exploring ways to keep sexual connection alive in the parenting years while also teaching your children about respecting your privacy.
This is such an important topic because of the amount of parents I see coming into my office longing for more physical and sexual connection but being unsure about ways to obtain it with young children. Dr Holly Richmond and I explore quickies, conversations, planning, and other methods to take back your sex life from late night tired and possibly frustrating experiences, to times where it is best for you and your partner.
Often we put our relationship last as we parent children, It can feel selfish or unloving. In this episode you’ll find why it’s important to challenge that thought and ways to improve your sexual connection starting today.
If you have any questions please feel free to leave a voicemail or text at 385-449-1818 or email me at birdsandbeespodcast@gmail.com
Thank you again for listening. I appreciate you being a part of the hive.
Resources from the show.
Sensate Focused Therapy For couples that are interested in learning more about this method we spoke about on the show.
Sex is a Funny Word by Cory Silverberg Great for 4-8 year olds. https://www.amazon.com/Sex-Funny-Word-Bodies-Feelings/dp/1609806069
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